
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas

Just a reminder to everyone that tomorrow is Mother's Day. You still have time to do something special for the special ladies in your life. You don't have to spend a lot to give a gift that is meaningful. Here are some last minute ideas:

Coupon Book: Run to your favorite office supply store (Walmart and Dollar tree carry similar products) to pick up an inexpensive coupon accordion envelope. Fill it with coupons for products you know that special lady loves. Throw in some restaurant gift certificates or homemade coupons for a nice evening out or a movie night at home (even some coupons redeemable for having someone else do the vacuuming or dish washing, would be nice). (Thanks to Joy for the idea)

Photo in Frame: Almost all mother's and grandmothers love photos of their loved ones. Upload your favorite picture to Walgreen' or a similar site and order an 8x10. The dollar stores often have frames that would accommodate such a photo. I'm sure your gift would be a big hit. If you are far away from your mom, you can also prepay the order and send the photos to a Walgreens near her.

Photo CD: Make a photo CD on your computer of favorite family photos from the past year. A lot of Grandma's are too far away to see the everyday moments, so a photo CD would make a great gift.

Book: Books are always a great gift idea. Find a reasonably priced book in her favorite genre and you are sure to put a smile on your mom's face. Add a gift card to her favorite coffee place and a homemade bookmark and you have a truly special gift.

Home-baked Goodies: What is your mom's favorite meal? How about her favorite dessert? Make your mom a favorite food item and deliver it to her on Mother's Day. She will appreciate the thoughtfulness almost as much as the treat.

Homemade Cards: Nothing is quite as cute as a card made by the grand kids. Provide the children with magazines, scissors, glue, pretty stickers, glitter and ribbon pieces and let their imaginations go wild. Grandma (and Mom and Aunties) will surely love them.

Hand Print Flower Pots: I received this gift last year and still cherish it. Make flower pots with the kids handprints on them and plant mom's favorite flowers inside. Make sure to buy proper paint for the project.

Gift Baskets: If you've been couponing for any length of time, you are bound to have a stash of goodies you've gotten for free. Perhaps mom would appreciate a gift basket filled with shampoo, conditioner, lotion, candles, candy and other treats. Use reusable shopping bags if baskets are not available.Flowers: Many places have discounted flowers that can be purchased at quite a bargain. Everyone enjoys being thought of and remembered with such a beautiful sentiment.

"Love" Letter: Write a "love" letter to your mom. It's not often that we get to fully express how proud we are to be our parent's children or how much we appreciate the sacrifices they made for us. I think Mom would really appreciate hearing how much she is appreciated.

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