
Sunday, August 30, 2009

What is Your Support System

"George" is a big man with a big heart. Outgoing and emotional with a deep faith. George also struggles with mental health issues. He's tried to take his life twice and he knows he is only breathing now by the grace of God. George's disease has affected his life, his family, his work, his friends. He and I have talked often about how God brought him to where he is today.
"Edna" is a lovely woman with a great job and is highly respected by her community. She has a good family, lovely grandchildren, beautiful house with an "it" address. Her husband attends church regularly and is a praying man. Edna heard the 'fanatical' Christians once too often and doesn't need that in her life. She is good and generous and loves the world. She doesn't really need or want anything. Why would she need God?
"Religion is a crutch". After all, as human beings we have the intelligence, the emotions and the sensitivity to treat each other the way we should and to pull ourselves up by our own personal bootstraps should we fall into problems. Human beings are enough in themselves and if they aren't well...survival of the fittest, right? Those who think they need something outside of themselves...some kind of a 'Higher Power'...just haven't tapped into their own strength, right? People really don't need God, right?
Ask the alcoholic who holds the glass in his hand, watching 150 days of sobriety fall to zero. Ask the mother who paces the floor at 3am while her 12-year-old daughter roams the streets. Ask the primary caregiver of an alzheimer's patient who is at their wit's end. Ask the faithful husband whose wife asks for a divorce. Ask the child whose parents have just been killed in a car accident.
Ask me. Ask me about my personal resources - intelligence, education, family, friends, work, etc. etc....and then ask me about getting through the tough times.
Jesus is more than my crutch. He's my life support system. For those who haven't reached the point where they have come to the end of themselves: that point will come. For each of us it is different. I pray when you come to the end of yourself that you reach out to Jesus. He's there.

1 comment:

  1. He's my life support system. For those who haven't reached the point where they have come to the end of themselves: that point will come. For each of us it is different. I pray when you come to the end of yourself that you reach out to Jesus. He's there.
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