
Friday, May 21, 2010

SGM Radio Blog’s Top Ten: Sharron Kay King

We are thrilled to share with you these mini-interviews with some great Southern Gospel artists! Check back often to see who is next on the SGM Radio Blog's Top Ten!

Sharron Kay King

Sharron Kay King has been full time on the road for nearly 10 years, doing her best to share with hurting and lost souls that Jesus really does love us. She has received several awards and nominations in southern gospel music but says that the best award is awaiting her the day she will hear Jesus say, “Enter in my good and faithful servant!”

Sharron Kay King - Top Ten

1. Please tell us the name of your latest recording and your favorite song from that CD. What is the message behind this song?

My latest recording is Don't Stop Believing. My favorite song off of this CD is Don't Stop Believing. In a world where we don't know who to believe in or what to except from day to day, we can always believe in God, His word and His ways, for they are not our own.

2. What is one group highlight from the last 12 months?
Highlight from last 12 months: My oldest Grand-daughter Zoey, was baptized in Jesus name!

3. Where is your favorite place to eat on the road?
Oh gee golly, Ruby Tuesday's is always a hit cause they have the best salad bar. We also eat a lot in the motor home so we can eat healthier. My husband really doesn't like eating out so I've learned to be quite the little chef. Especially after I lost 70 pounds, eating out isn't always a good idea.

4. What is the best city to visit in the US? And…if you’ve been…in Canada and overseas?
Best city in USA would have to be Richmond, Indiana so I can see my family. My husband loves Jackson Hole, WY. He has yet to take me there! I have been to the Canadian Mountains and it's absolutely beautiful. I've been to The Holy Land, Greece, and Turkey. It was awesome! Been to the Caribbean a few times on cruises.

5. What artist are you listening to right now?
I love so many different artists it's hard to say just one. I love Jim Reeves Gospel Collections, The Original Hinsons. I love the old stuff.

6. What are your thoughts on Spam (the product, not the email)?
I love a fried Spam sandwich with mustard! I grew up eating many of these.

7. What is one habit you would like to break?
Well let me ask my husband. He says I don't have any. On the other hand, I would like to change my vulnerability. I have a bad habit of believing everyone. That's not a good idea now-a-days. Let me add my weakness for ice cream!

8. Who is your most favorite Bible person/character?
Esther because of her willingness to be used, and then Job for his faithfulness.

9. What is your favorite Bible verse?
Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony.”

10. Name a character trait or fruit of the spirit you would really like to develop in your life.
I would love to have better discernment and the gift of healing. There are too many people suffering from needless pains from a lack of faith.

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