
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SGM Radio Blog’s Top Ten: Appointed by Grace

We are thrilled to share with you these mini-interviews with some great Southern Gospel artists! Check back often to see who is next on the SGM Radio Blog's Top Ten!

Cindy Irwin, Appointed by Grace

I offer short Daily Devotionals using the Holy Bible. The devotionals are easy to read and meant to uplift and build the body of Christ. The other ministry I work with is to help run sound for my husband’s Southern Gospel Music group, Appointed By Grace. The Daily Devotionals are published on Facebook in the Daily Devotional group, and “Appointed By Grace’s website,

Cindy Irwin’s Top Ten

1. Please tell us the name of your latest recording and your favorite song from that CD.

My husband’s group is Appointed By Grace. They just finished a new project titled “By Request.” My favorite song is “Multitude of Mercy.”

What is the message behind this song?

This song just talks about God’s mercy and how He forgives us.

2. What is one group highlight from the last 12 months?

I write the “Daily Devotionals” even when I am traveling with “Appointed By Grace” and my greatest highlight from being on the road with them is when someone comes up to me and tells me that they are reading the devotional and how it ministered to them. I think it is awesome to know when I am in God’s will.

3. Have you been on a mission trip?

I have not been on an organized mission trip but when hurricane Rita came through Texas my husband and I took food, ice and generator fuel to several people.

4. What was the best decade for music? Favorite artist from that decade?
I grew up listening to my parents’ music from the 50s but I really have an eclectic taste in musical styles and eras.

5. Brush with greatness…who have you met that you couldn’t wait to tell your friends and family about?

I have briefly met Dottie Rambo. Bill and Gloria Gaither, Joel Olsten, John Hagee. I am sure they made a bigger impression on me than me on them.

6. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

That superpower would probably be “knowing the future.” I often find myself saying, “if I would have known then what I know now.”

7. Who is your most favorite Bible person/character?

I really enjoy the Old Testament prophets, my favorite would be Jeremiah.

8. What is your favorite Bible verse?

Ephesians 2:8-9 (New King James Version) For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

9. Name a song that once it gets stuck in your head you can’t get it out.

I was told that when you get a tune stuck to sing “Amazing Grace” to the tune of the theme from “Gilligan’s Island.” Once you do this it removes the other tune but then you have that one stuck in your head.

10. What is the last book you read?

Honestly, the Bible, I figure that if I am encouraging others to study the Bible on a daily bases then I should be practicing what I preach.

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