
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SGM Radio Blog’s Top Ten: Curtis Pruett

We are thrilled to share with you these mini-interviews with some great Southern Gospel artists! Check back often to see who is next on the SGM Radio Blog's Top Ten!

Curtis Pruett

Curtis Pruett, a Gospel singer/songwriter, grew up surrounded by Country and Gospel Music in his home with family and friends. Curtis has been a musician since the age of 5. He started playing for his Dad's country band at age 14. Later, he learned the guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo and dobro. Curtis is also a self taught piano player and a very accomplished one. He started playing the piano at 19 years of age. He sees his music as a tool to reach the lost and found!

Curtis Pruett’s Top Ten

1. Please tell us the name of your latest recording and your favorite song from that CD. What is the message behind this song?

This One's Mine is the latest recording. My favorite song is "I Love You". The message is to know that God NEVER leaves us.

2. Have you been on a mission trip? If you have, where did you go? If you haven’t, would you like to and where would you want to go?

I’ve never been on a mission trip. I have spent time feeding the homeless in a church my wife and I attended. I would like to go to Haiti to help in the disaster relief.

3. What artist are you listening to right now?

Guy Penrod's Breathe Deep CD

4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Fly - because sometimes the trip just takes too long.

5. Who is your favorite Christian author/teacher/evangelist?

Billy Graham

6. What is one habit you would like to break?

Saying "Dog gone it" when something goes wrong .

7. Who is your most favorite Bible person/character?

My Savior Jesus Christ

8. What is your favorite Bible verse?

John 16:33

9. Name a song that once it gets stuck in your head you can’t get it out.

Pop goes the weasel

10. Name a character trait or fruit of the spirit you would really like to develop in your life.


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