
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SGM Radio Blog’s Top Ten: The Glory Barn

We are thrilled to share with you these mini-interviews with some great Southern Gospel artists! Check back often to see who is next on the SGM Radio Blog's Top Ten!

The Glory Barn by Leta Mowan

The Glory Barn dinner theater, in Kansas City, Kansas, presents the gospel through song by talented artists from all around the United States. We provide a casual atmosphere where visitors can come with their friends, sit down and eat, and enjoy gospel music at its best.

The Glory Band members:
Lead guitar & singer; Leo Smith
Rhythmn guitar & Country gospel singer, Sharon Smith
Director, lead, rhythm, bass guitarist; and singer: Rick Mowen
Piano & singer; Carolyn Gentzill
Leta Mowen; promoter of the Glory Barn, singer, song writer, and organist.

The Glory Barn’s Top Ten – By Leta Mowen

1. Please tell us the name of your latest recording and your favorite song from that CD. What is the message behind this song?

The Glory Barn’s Band has not yet recorded an album.
My favorite song of all that I have written is,“If I Had It All To Do Again”.
The message is that I’d give my life to Jesus all over again because He is the Way,
The Truth, and the Life. I have learned through the valleys that Jesus is always there helping me and He will give me the strength to see me through.

2. What is the group highlight from the last 12 months?

The Glory Barn highlight from the last 12 months: I’d have to give credit to all the singers and musicians who have graced the Glory Barn with their beautiful voices because they all have made a total impact on our mission. That is, to tell others about God’s mercy, his forgiveness, and redeeming love for us and through Him we can have our sins forgiven and have everlasting life.

3. Have you been on a mission trip? If you have, where did you go? If you haven’t, would you like to and where would you want to go?

I haven’t been on a mission trip. I would want to go to New York City. Violence is always present and I believe it’s because of so many children being raised from broken homes or they are tossed out onto the streets at a young age and they don’t know any other way but to steal and beg for a living. They really need to know that someone cares and to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
4. What artist are you listening to right now?
The Liberty Belles Trio from Columbia, MO. They will be coming to sing at the Glory Barn on the 1st of May, 2010t.
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Healing the sick. My mother and twin sister died from cancer and my oldest brother from a heart attack.

6. What would be your fantasy venue, the one stage in the world where you would like to sing?

Carnegie Hall. It is a concert venue in Midtown Manhattan in New York City and it has always intrigued me.

7. Who is your favorite Christian author/teacher/evangelist?

Pam Morgan from Lees Summit, MO. She and writer; Brenda Black wrote a book, “I Stand”; about Pam’s brush with death from a tragic accident and how the Lord helped her through her numerous surgeries and today she sings with her husband, gives her testimony, speaks at women’s retreats, and is such an inspiration to me.

8. Who is your most favorite Bible person/character?

Mother of Jesus, Mary. Why? She believed God and followed him even though she was ridiculed and shamed for getting pregnant and did what she was told to do and humbled herself to give birth to our King.

9. Name a song that once it gets stuck in your head you can’t get it out.

“You are my sunshine”….my only sunshine”

10. Name a character trait or fruit of the spirit you would really like to develop in your life.

I would like to develop more patience. We live in a fast track generation where everything is fast food, fast service, fast cars, fast internet, etc. God wants us to wait on Him sometimes for his answer and that takes a great deal of patience and trusting him.

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