
Friday, July 5, 2013

The Minister's Quartet Update

Happy July everyone!!
We have turned another calendar page and we are now into the hot months of the year, to put it mildly. I see reports from the southwest USA that show over 110 degrees in many areas, and all I can say, is WOW!! Please pray for the folks out there going thru that. Also pray for the families of the firefighters lost in a blaze in Arizona over the past weekend.

The Minister's Quartet had a great weekend this past weekend. First, we travelled to Anthony's home church to help with their VBS event. Miss Marie and Anthony were two of the core group of leaders teaching over 50 kiddos about Paul and God this past week. They seemed very attentive and eager to learn. They especially were eager to say all their Bible memory verses, I think because the reward was oh, so yummy!!

We sang under a huge circus-type tent. The rain came, but didn't deter us or cause any major problems for us as we sang. We had a good time.

Sunday morning began for some of the group as early as 3am! We were to head down to southern Indiana, to Austin, where we had a date with the Austin Wesleyan Church's Homecoming celebration event. Pastor Adam Griffin, wife Greta, two daughters, and the congregation there treated us like family.

We sang 3 songs during the morning service and then were blessed by the preaching/teaching of Pastor Adam as he spoke about "Home". It stirred our hearts and minds and challenged us to remain faithful to God.

After singing, we were treated to lunch in the 'new' fellowship hall on the grounds of the church.

And then, once we had our fill, and a small catnap, we sang a full concert beginning at 1:30pm.

Little 3 year-old Sara has been anticipating our coming for quite some time, I was told. She has been memorizing out entire "At Their Best" cd while riding in the car. Mom and dad informed us that she knows just about every song on that cd by heart, especially "Go Jonah". So, of course, we had to sing it for her. We saw her looking at her parents and mouthing the words. We think she was a little awestruck that we were there in person to sing those songs to her. We think she liked it though.

July looks to be one of our busiest months on the calendar this year.

First up, we travel to Macklin Chapel on the grounds of Bearcreek Farms in Bryant, Indiana, where we will do an 8:30am worship service with the folks there.

Then, it's back on the road! We head to Sharps Chapel, Tennessee once again to complete work on our latest cd project. We will leave right after services at Macklin Chapel, and will be in the studio Monday, July 8th and Tuesday, July 9th to put our vocals to the music tracks we did in May. This will finish our part of the recording process. Then, it will be in the hands of our producer Shane Roark, and the graphics/packaging will be handled by Travis Roark. Once all of the 'finishing touches' are put on the project, we should have product around National Quartet Convention time in September. We can't wait!!

We have appearances scheduled throughout the month. Here's the breakdown:
July 7- Macklin Chapel 8:30am
July 8,9- Chapel Valley Studio, Sharps Chapel, TN 10am to ?
July 14- Linwood Christian Church, Alexandria, IN 10am
July 21- River Terrace Retirement Community, Bluffton, IN 2:30pm
July 22- Gas City Park, Gas City, IN 7pm
July 26,27- Indiana Gospel Music Festival (IGMF), Hamilton Co. Fairgrounds, Noblesville, IN 6pm and 5pm (saturday)
July 28- 1st Church of Christ, Bismarck, Illinois 6:30pm CDT

We'll talk August next time! Until then,
Keep looking up as you bow down to pray!
God bless you all!
Larry, Anthony, Ken, JT, and Ron
The Minister's Quartet
"In God We Still Trust"

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