
Friday, February 14, 2014

Retro SGM Radio: Nick and Jessica: A Southern Gospel Love Story

Editor's Note: This SGM Radio feature was published February 2008.

Nick Trammell, currently with the Perrys, son of legendary baritone Mark Trammell, has been creating his own fan base with his smooth singing and classic good looks. Jessica Brown and her family have been making a name for themselves with their incredible talent and unique stage presentation. In December 2007, Nick and Jessica became engaged and they paused briefly in their busy lives to tell SGM Radio their love story.

SGM Radio: Please tell us a bit about yourselves and your involvement in Southern Gospel.
Jessica Brown: I came to know the Lord at the young age of 5. As I started to get a little older I had a few doubts in my mind and at the age of 14 I rededicated my life to the Lord.
I started singing as soon as I could talk. My mom would teach us different things using songs. We started singing 7 years ago as a family just singing at church and for my Grandma. The more we would sing the more we would sing! I love the message of southern gospel songs. I love the fans too! With them it’s like you become family and friends!
Nick Trammell: I was saved at the age of 18 after knowing who Jesus was but never personally knew him. I lived thinking I was saved up until that point and came to realize I wasn't during a church service in Feb of 2003.
I started singing with the Perrys in August of 2006. Before then I sang with local groups around where I live and sang in the show band and choir at the college I went to.
The thing I enjoy the most about southern gospel is the message behind the song. It has a true powerful meaning that has the ability to change a life unlike any other genre of music.

SGM Radio: Tell us about the start of your relationship.
Nick: Well Jessica claims to have met me at Gold City’s homecoming when Dad was with them, through a mutual friend that she had met at Steve Hurst's School of Music the week before. But I don't remember meeting her! The first time I ever remember seeing her was at NQC in 2002. A friend of mine and I were walking around the Expo Center and ran into their booth. He knew them from singing at a concert with The Browns in, oddly enough, Alabama, and introduced me to the family then. I was very shy when it came to talking to a girl at that time in my life so the only thing I could think was "Wow she's gorgeous. Don't say anything stupid!"
We have several funny stories and most of them are stupid things I've done! So I'll tell one on her! After we got engaged she bought me a book that was a Groom’s guide for a wedding. I didn't understand why it took one year to plan 2 hours of your life. I'm slowly learning! Anyways, it gave reference to buying the engagement ring. When I was looking for a ring I had asked her about what kind she wanted and she had no clue about diamonds and the 4 C's.
So when I saw this page in the book I said, ‘Well maybe I need to be letting you read this on the 4 C's of a diamond?’ Having tried to teach her before about it, I asked her to name them. She gets this look on her face like she’s concentrating really hard and as serious as can be said, ‘Color, Clarity, Cut, and..... Quality??’ Quality... C-W-A-L-I-T-Y…And I am the one from Alabama!
Jessica: Like Nick said we met at a Gold City Homecoming. I can remember thinking that he was cute and quiet! But we became friends over time and would talk and see each other at NQC and concerts.
When he proposed I was shocked! We had talked about it so I knew it was coming but I didn't think it would be till February or April. So when he pulled off his glove and the ring was in his hand I yelled and then said, "Wait! You haven't asked my Dad!" He laughed and said, "I did, a long time ago!"

SGM Radio: How have you managed to maintain your relationship while both of you are on the road?
Nick: Cell Phones!! I’ve gone through 5 of them in a year and a half. Usually any time you see me away from her I have my phone out text messaging her. It was difficult to be so far away but God always worked out ways for our paths to cross or for us to get to visit each others homes and families as our relationship grew.

SGM Radio: How difficult is it to meet someone and then stay true to them in this industry?
Nick: If you are pure in your motives.... Not very!

SGM Radio: How have you grown in your spiritual life together?
Nick: We have done 2 or 3 devotion books together and it has really grown our relationship, both with each other and our relationships with Christ. I feel like I have grown more in my walk since I met her than I ever did before. In saying that, that’s one thing that really let me know I needed her in my life as well.

SGM Radio: Can you give us any wedding details?
Nick: It will be at Jessica’s home church in La Mars, Iowa, in December 2008. I’ll let her give the details because they may have changed since I was last told the plans! I do know it will be a Christmas wedding.
Jessica: Well he is right it will be a Christmas wedding! It will be silver and white. I already have my dress! I can’t tell you what it looks like though!

SGM Radio: Do you have any advice for single young people in the industry regarding relationships?
Nick: Take it slow! Don't try and do God’s job for him and rush things. Too many people get married too quickly for the wrong reasons when if they will just wait on God’s timing and pray about it they won't wind up another statistic. I'm no one to be giving marital advice though since I'm not married yet!

SGM Radio: Have you been given any advice about marriage?
Nick: The best advice I have been given is to learn how to say these 3 words:"Whatever you say!"

SGM Radio: What has God been speaking to you about today?
Nick: Enjoy the ride. Too many times I look ahead and say I can't wait until...or I'm so ready where I miss the good things that are going on right now in my life.
Jessica: Cherish each moment together.

For more on Nick Trammell and Jessica Brown, click on to:

Written by Lorraine Walker and published February 2008 by SGM Radio website.
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