
Friday, March 14, 2014

Retro SGM Radio: Reality Check - Asking the Hardest Question

Reality Check for April 2008
By Lorraine Walker

A short time ago a lady spoke in our church about how the Lord had blessed her and her family. She spoke of some challenges they had faced with her son who had a birth defect. She related how the trials had been difficult but seemed like small hills which gradually led them to one huge mountain. This situation was so hard that she found herself asking all the “why” questions. Then it struck her that when something good happened, she rarely asked why. So if she took the good things as a part of life, why was she questioning the difficult circumstances?

I don’t believe that God is afraid of any of our hard questions. He created us to be inquisitive and to reason. We can ask Him anything and like a good Father, He will answer. However, sometimes our penchant for asking why keeps us from actually seeing or hearing His answers.

There is one particular situation in my life that seems to be a continual source of challenge. Many nights I have lain awake, asking the Lord, “Why?” I didn’t realize that this was my way of dwelling on the negative areas of the situation instead of seeing anything good.

We were reading the story of Ruth and Naomi during devotions one morning at work when God revealed this truth to my heart. Naomi and Ruth had come to a crossroad and Naomi suggested that Ruth return to her homeland. Ruth’s husband had died and she had nothing. They had grieved for their loss and it was now time to move on. However, Ruth made a decision that would change her life.

Instead of falling to the ground, wailing about the situation and asking God why, she realized what a treasure she had been given in her mother-in-law Naomi. She and Naomi traveled together to Bethlehem, where Ruth eventually met and married Boaz, and was blessed to have Jesus Christ within her line of descendents. Ruth had chosen to leave the ‘whys’ with the past and look instead at what God had given to her in the present. This enabled her to move on and trust God with her future.

The next time I find myself asking God “why”, I hope I remember to ask myself why I’m asking “Why?”. Is it easier to dwell on the negative and want the answers to all our questions because we say we want closure? God isn’t afraid of our questions, but neither does He want us to dwell in the past. We are to leave that behind and face the future, knowing that His blessings in our lives right now are proof that He will continue to be with us whatever we face. “Where Thou goest, I will go!”

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