
Monday, January 26, 2015


'The Politically Incorrect Jesus' Rethinks the Open Mind

NEW YORK CITY-- Jan. 26, 2015 – “Political correctness is intellectual suicide,” author Joe Battaglia writes in The Politically Incorrect Jesus, new from Broadstreet Publishing. And in 24 penetrating essays the former journalist and long-renowned radio specialist spotlights Jesus's stand on social safety.

“Jesus was hardly open minded about the truth," Battaglia says. "He calls believers to be salt and light--not chameleons.”

As murders of Paris cartoonists and alleged hacking from North Korea show extreme attempts to control speech, Battaglia warns that Christians, in the name of sensitivity or tolerance, are buying in to more subtle self-censoring, and at great moral risk.

“American censorship is societal—an unwritten list of you-can’t-say-that,” Battaglia says. Under titles such as “Of Mice and Media,” “The Indigestion of Entertainment,” and “The Common Sense of Counter Culture”--Battaglia pits off-limits conversations against Jesus’s call to truth in the marketplace of ideas.

And where does that leave Christians?

“Embrace who God Almighty designed you to be,” Battaglia writes,“men and women of counter-culture faith making a difference in a counterfeit world.”

Prison Fellowship President and CEO Jim Liske applauds Battaglia’s voice to Christians in 2015. “In an era when the Church is so politically correct its message is ineffective, or so abrasive it offends without enlightening, Joe calls us to see that Jesus came to redeem the culture and not to condemn it,” Liske said. “Countercultural does not mean being against people, but for peace and love. If you're tired of the culture wars, this book is a must-read for you.”

Singer/songwriter Michael W. Smith calls his friend’s new work a “common sense approach to how a person of faith can stand up to the current issues in culture that would divide us . . .”

Mastermedia International’s Chairman Larry W. Poland, Ph.D., calls it “a game changer.”

What does “politically correct” mean, and how are Christians affected?
In a noisy world that seeks to denigrate and demean, how can Christians filter the messages daily assaulting our faith, our intellect, and our families?
Can a Christian in 2015 stay planted in timeless thinking?
How did Jesus deliver a politically incorrect message with love?
What do the Sony hack and Charlie Hebdo say about censorship--and self censorship?

“Truth flies in the face of fear and false sensitivities,” Battaglia says. “A moral ideology that questions no one is the death of our authentic selves.”

Joe Battaglia founded and heads Renaissance Communications, a media company putting gifted communicators on all the right platforms. Think Dr. Steve Brown’s nationally syndicated Key Life Radio Network, AFFIRM Films/Sony Pictures Entertainment, Provident Films, actress Shari Rigby, author/pastor Tullian Tchividjian, Pure Flix Entertainment and Feed The Children.

To learn more about The Politically Incorrect Jesus, visit:

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