The organization provides encouragement and refreshment to local church pastors through counseling, unique retreats and ongoing accountability services. The Rick Webb Family will perform special benefit concerts throughout the year and provide exposure to the ministry through their yearly concert schedule.
The first concert is scheduled for Sunday, October 5, 2014 at Christ Wesleyan Church in Winston-Salem, NC at7:00 PM.
The Rick Webb Family is known for loving pastors and the local church so this partnership is a natural fit. “So many pastors and their families have nowhere to turn when they face discouragement,” says Rick Webb. “They give out so much every single day, and many times they have no one pouring into their lives and the lives of their families. Energize Ministries does just that and our family is proud to partner with them to help the families of the local church pastor.”
The Rick Webb Family is celebrating 30 years in music ministry. The group is known for their musical excellence and strong biblically based programs. They have appeared at some of the largest churches in America and alongside giants of the faith such as Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. Charles Colson, Dr. David Jeremiah and Dr. D. James Kennedy – just to name a few.
Their latest project Committed to the Call is available from Song Garden Music Group.
For more information on Energize Ministries,
For more information on The Rick Webb Family, visit
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