FORT WORTH, Texas – Praise Incorporated is honored to have their “better halves” featured in this month’s issue of SGN Scoops Digital. Two wives of members of the popular quartet were featured in a section devoted to wives of Southern Gospel artists and industry personnel.
Called the Bus Mom/Quartet Version, Sharon Bares, wife of Praise Incorporated’s bass singer Greg Bares was quoted in the article as saying, “I thank God that He is allowing me to travel full time with a bus full of Godly men doing His work. These eyes of a quartet wife see these men serve when they can hardly stand on the stage because of back pain or they can hardly speak because of some illness and yet they serve, with joy because there is always room at the cross for just one more. We are a family, leaving our families behind, to bring the good news about God’s family to those without hope. When you experience the salvation of someone who was once dead and is now
alive forever, because of Jesus Christ, you can say with confidence that all the sacrifices are worth it, even if it were just for one.”
Also featured in the article was group member Steve Sam’s wife – Myrna. Being touted as the Stay-At-Home Quartet wife, Myrna juxtaposes Sharon’s thoughts by saying, “My advice to the wives and husbands left home to work to pay the bills and to keep the homefires burning? Pray hard. Work hard. Don’t forget to pay the cell phone bill. And for heaven’s sake, learn how to check your own Freon!”
Steve Sam of Praise Incorporated said, “Our wives are the most important aspect of our ministry. Without them – we wouldn’t be able to sing like we do. We are so honored that SGN Scoops Digital chose to recognize the work that not only our wives do, but the wives of hundreds of men who get on a bus every weekend to do the ministry of our Lord.”
Additional women featured in the February 2010 issue of Southern Gospel’s original all digital magazine include Debra Talley, Tori Taff (wife of Russ Taff), SoGospelNews.com’s Susan Unthank, and others.
For more information or instructions on how to download the latest issue of SGN Scoops Digital – visit http://www.sgnscoops.com .
For more information on Praise Incorporated, visit their website at http://www.praiseinc.com .
About Praise Incorporated
With a focus on musical excellence and integrity in ministry, Praise Incorporated has devoted their lives to reaching the lost and encouraging the Christian, through music and spoken word. Building on combined decades of music experience, Steve Sam, Ron Higgins, Greg Bares and Dodd Meadows have hearts for the Lord and that gives Praise Incorporated the musical excellence it strives for.
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