Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Godsey & Associates Releases Feature Film About The Life Of Rod Truman

Nashville, TN (March 25, 2013) Godsey & Associates is announcing the release of a full feature film on the life of Rod Truman. Truman is an ex-basketball Coach who was changed from a “Game Winner” to a “Soul Winner”.
Scott Godsey, President of Godsey and Associates said, “Rod's story is one that needs to be shared with the thousands who are fighting circumstances that may be hindering the calling God has on their life as well. Though most people will never suffer the trauma that Rod went through, perhaps seeing this film will help them receive the encouragement they need to move on with the Lord.”.
Truman's life had been consumed with basketball and coaching. When he was faced with the tragedy of life with diabetes that progressed to the debilitating state of kidney failure, he had to face life from a place he had never prepared to live. Suddenly, basketball took a back seat to just trying to survive.
He was plagued with diabetes throughout his coaching career that eventually led to total kidney failure. June 11, 1999 was a remarkable day in Rod’s life when he received a Kidney-Pancreas transplant. The procedure led to Rod’s death, but he was brought dramatically back to life. This weakness was made strong through God’s touch.
After these events, God has changed his focus from winning basketball games to winning souls. Now, he has shifted his focus from teaching plays to singing praise. His compelling, uplifting and encouraging story is one that must be heard!
Rod now offers a unique presentation in churches and other venues, singing songs with a narrative of his journey to healing. View highlights of the documentary of Rod's life here:
Rod Truman can be contacted at,, or .


About Rod Truman
Rod Truman had dedicated most of his life to the pursuit of basketball excellence. He was plagued with diabetes throughout his coaching career that eventually led to total kidney failure. June 11, 1999 was a remarkable day in Rod's life: he received a Kidney-Pancreas Transplant.

About Godsey and Associates
In the last quarter of 2011, Scott Godsey started a team making music videos for Christian artists. That soon developed into not only working inside the Christian music business, but going outside of the Christian music world. Soon after, the company expanded into other genres. G&A started working with churches, authors, and organizations. The Godsey & Associate formula works with any company that wants to focus on brand building and getting in front of an audience.

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