Brentwood, TN (Mansion Entertainment) March 10, 2010 – The Hoppers have signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Mansion Entertainment.
Since the early 1900’s when “the father of Southern Gospel Music”, James D. Vaughan, founded the first Southern Gospel music publishing company, started one of the first radio stations to play Southern Gospel and begin one of the first record labels in the South, many family groups have made their contributions to this beloved music. For decades The Hoppers have been a significant part of not only carrying on this tradition, but laying upon that foundation a tremendous list of accolades. From their decades of enormous radio success as well as group and individual industry awards, to performing for a million fans a year as part of the Gaither Homecoming concert series, they’ve taken the Gospel from their humble, rural North Carolina beginnings to a world stage. Not only has this revered family group contributed to the foundation of Southern Gospel Music but they continue to build upon it.
Their new project, Unforgettable, is now available through Mansion Entertainment with a forth-coming single, “O It Thrills Me”, due to hit radio airwaves soon. In addition, The Hoppers will be a significant part of a new Mansion television show that will begin airing in the late spring of 2010. You can find more information by visiting www.thehoppers.com or www.themansionentertainment.com .
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