We are thrilled to share with you these mini-interviews with some great Southern Gospel artists! Check back often to see who is next on the SGM Radio Blog's Top Ten!
Rhonda Frye…by Rhonda Frye
Rhonda Frye serves the Lord full time in a variety of ways. At Rock Pointe Worship Center, she is the Associate Pastor, Worship Leader and Bible Study Teacher. In addition to church ministry, she is a Recording Artist, Songwriter and Columnist for SGNScoops- all digital magazine. Rhonda also serves children through music in several local preschools. Rhonda lives in Ringgold, GA and is supported by her husband, Eric of and their three children.
Rhonda Frye’s Top Ten
1. Please tell us the name of your latest recording and your favorite song from that CD. What is the message behind this song?
Second Chances is the title of the CD. The song Good Things is my favorite because it’s my very first song. God completely surprised me with the gift of songwriting. The message behind it is about surrendering to the goodness of God and in doing so finding our true purpose in life. I was literally living this song out in my life when He gave me the lyrics and music. The goodness of God could be considered a simple topic to write about, however doubting His goodness is perhaps the number one reason people do not place their faith in Him.
2. What is one group highlight from the last 12 months?
The Elijah Conference 2009 for many reasons. I made amazing friends, acquired lots of knowledge, but more than anything I cherish the memories of how the Holy Spirit amazed me with His presence. The Elijah Conference in and of itself was a life changing experience, but the encounter I had with God there is almost too personal to explain.
3. How much time do you spend daily on the Net? Favorite website?
A lot! Facebook.com without a doubt! I don’t watch any tv, so Facebook is my source of entertainment, opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones and a place to receive and extend ministry.
4. What artist are you listening to right now? Who is in your player?
The Bowlings and Austin’s Bridge.
5. What are your thoughts on Spam (the product, not the email)?
Vacation Food when I was a kid - YUCK as an adult!
6. What would be your fantasy venue, the one stage in the world where you would like to sing?
I’m not sure where this would be, but any venue that would most dramatically and positively impact the Kingdom of God. I would love to sing to a huge audience made up of the lost, the needy, the hurting and the hopeless. My first thought is that would be somewhere in the dark world, maybe at a huge rock concert. But the more I think about it, many times that’s a church audience pretending they aren’t lost, needy, hurting and hopeless as well. Honestly, I just want to sing where God wants me to sing wherever that may be.
7. What is one habit you would like to break?
Junk Food Addictions!
8. Who is your most favorite Bible person/character?
Moses. My nickname among my best friends is “Moesha”- Supposedly a female equivalent to the name Moses
9. What is your favorite Bible verse?
This changes monthly. One of my new favorites is Deut 33: 26-27b “ There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is your refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you.”
10. Name a character trait or fruit of the spirit you would really like to develop in your life.
None, because I know if the Spirit is developing my character, that means He’s going to test, try and purify! OUCH! Seriously, “love.” I truly want to develop love for God and people that pleases Him. My desire and goal is to love others with no strings attached.
I count it a great joy and honor to have met Rhonda Frye last year at the Elijah Conference. I cherish her friendship and fellowship in the Lord's ministry. She is "the real deal". I believe the Lord will continue to use her to touch lives, and that He will bless her as she surrenders her life to His sovereign will.
ReplyDeleteJust as God desired the Grafted in Gentile to live with such joy, that the chosen people, Israel, would desire the gift of Jesus because of Jealousy. This is how Rhonda Frye lives her life, spilling out with contagious excitement, the Joy that abides within her.
ReplyDeleteSusan & I have continued a friendship with Rhonda since Elijah conference & now we know two other family members who should have attended the conference. Eric has welcomed us into his home & wonderfully shared his vocals with his daughter & wife. God Bless the Ringold Georgia Fryes.